“The ocean was very much part of my childhood. Growing up in the Netherlands, a country that over the centuries was mostly built out of the sea, I lived within walking distance of the ocean. Over the years the North Sea showed me its beauty, its fury, and its bounty. I saw the fishing fleet go out to sea regularly and watched the fishermen’s wives not only mend the nets but also pace the beach waiting for their spouses” safe return during the often vicious North Sea winter storms. Frequent visits were made to the fish markets as seafood is very much part of the Dutch diet.
It was inevitable that the ocean became the main focus of my painting, as over the years it had automatically become part of my soul. I am forever fascinated by the seemingly limitless variety and ultimate complexity in the sea creatures I encounter and never cease to be intriqued by the beauty of the colors and the many shapes, everything from soft and ethereal to stark and threatening. Nature, once again, is perfection and it is a true challenge to try and depict that.”